
Skylander | Fire Element

Eruptor is a force of nature, hailing from a species that lived deep in the underground of a floating volcanic island until a massive eruption launched their entire civilization to the surface.  He's a complete hot head - steaming, fuming, and quite literally erupting over almost anything.  To help control his temper, he likes to relax in lava pools, particularly because there are no crowds.

Flameslinger is an Elven archer with incredible aim.  In fact, he is so good that he wears a blindfold just to prove it.  When he was young, he rescued a fire spirit from a watery doom and was gifted an enchanted bow and magical fire boots that he now masterfully uses to defeat evil throughout Skylands.  With the scorched earth he leaves behind, you can always tell where he has been.

Skylander | Fire Element | Ignitor

On his first quest as a knight, Ignitor was tricked by a cunning witch into wearing a magical suit of armor that he was told would resist fire from a dragon.  But as it turned out, it was made of cursed steel.  He journeyed to a dragon's lair where a single blast of fire transformed him into a blazing spirit, binding him to the suit of armor for eternity.  Despite this setback, Ignitor remains a spirited knight who is always fired up to protect Skylands from evil... and find the witch that tricked him.

Born in the center of an active volcano, Sunburn is part dragon, part phoenix, and 100% fire power.  He is very proud of his unique heritage, and is the only dragon and phoenix hybrid known to exist in Skylands.  This rare combination makes him a desirable target for dark wizards and bounty hunters that seek to gain power by unlocking the secrets behind Sunburn's ability to teleport.  Joining the Skylanders gave Sunburn a way to help defend the world from evil, but also provided him with protection, as he remains one of the most sought after creatures in Skylands.

Skylander | Giants | Fire Element | Hot Head

Skylanders | Fire Element | 2nd Generation | Hot Dog