
Skylander | Earth Element

Bash spent most of his early dragonhood staring into the sky, watching the flying creatures of Skylands soar amongst the clouds.  Determined to join them, he learned how to curl himself into a ball and roll with incredible momentum in a vain attempt to take flight.  Over the years, his skin hardened, forming a natural protective armor unlike any other creature.  He now thunders through Skylands, leaving a wake of destruction against any who threaten it.  Despite his thick skin, he still gets a bit touchy about his inability to fly.

Skylander | Earth Element | Dino-Rang

For years, Dino-Rang trained to use the weapons of his tribe - earthen boomerangs.  His people were skilled hunters in a world far away from the realm of Skylands.  As he slept one night, a freak portal suddenly opened beneath him.  Unsure of how... or why... he arrived in Skylands, Dino-Rang set out to explore the world that was suddenly his new home.  Eventually becoming a Skylander, he now fights with his own brand of dino-justice, while seeking out the fabled Twin Diamond Boomerangs, which he believes could hold the clues to his greater destiny.

Skylander | Earth Element | Prism Break

Prism Break was once a fearsome rock golem who didn't like to be disturbed.  Then, an accidental cave-in left him buried underground.  One hundred years later, a mining expedition digging for valuable jewels discovered him by chance with a well-placed blow from a pick axe - something Prism Break doesn't talk about.  After 100 years of solitude, he found that the pressure of the earth had transformed him emotionally as well as physically, turning his crude rocky arms into incredible gems with powerful energy.  Grateful for being free of his earthly prison, Prism Break decided to put his new abilities to good use and dedicated himself to protecting Skylands.

Skylander | Earth Element | Terrafin

Terrafin hails from The Dirt Seas, where it was common to swim, bathe, and even snorkel beneath the ground.  But a powerful explosion in the sky created a blast wave that turned the ocean of sand into a vast sheet of glass, putting an end to Terrafin's duty as the local lifeguard.  Not one to stay idle, the brawny dirt shark found himself training in the art of boxing, and not long after he was local champ.  Fighters came from all around to challenge him, but it was a chance meeting with a great Portal Master that led him to give up his title for a greater purpose.

Skylander | Giants | Earth Element | Crusher

Skylander | Sidekicks | Earth Elements | Terrabite