
Skylanders | Tech Element

Skylanders | Tech Element | Boomer

As a young troll, Boomer loved to blow things up - particularly sheep.  Later, he was drafted into the troll army, where they gave him LOTS of things to blow up.  However, Boomer realized the sole mission of the army was war and conquest.  Even though he was a troll, these things didn't interest him.  So he left the trolls after saving a town from being destroyed by them.  Not long after, he was invited to be a Skylander - the only troll ever to win such an honor.  Now he uses his explosive skills to fight evil... much to the relief of sheep everywhere.

Like many Arkeyan artifacts, Drill Sergeant was buried for centuries - a long forgotten remnant of an ancient powerful civilization.  It was only a chance collision with a burrowing Terrafin that led to his systems firing up again.  By Arkeyan custom, Drill Sergeant was then obligated to become Terrafin's servant.  This didn't sit well with the dirt shark, so his first order as master was for Drill Sergeant to not serve him at all... a command he continues to follow zealously to this day.

Dragons are smart, but none so much as Drobot.  He was born in the highest reaches of Skylands, where dragons spent all their time competing in aerial battles.  But Drobot was more interested in taking things apart to see how they worked.  While exploring one day, he came upon some mysterious technology, which he used to assemble a robotic suit.  Features include laser beams that shoot from his eyes, flight enhancement technology, a vocal synthesizer that gives him a deep booming voice, and the ability to shoot spinning gears.  With such power - more than most other dragons - Drobot joined the Skylanders to help protect the residents of Skylands.

Sklylander | Starter | Trigger Happy is not just his name, it's his solution to every problem. No one knows from whence he came - he simply showed up one day with his hand-crafted shooters, blasting gold coins everywhere and it's been like that ever since.  And while his home is a great mystery to everyone throughout the lands, they all know him as a crazy goldslinger that will take down any bad guy... usually without bothering to aim.

Skylanders | Giants | Tech Element | Bouncer

Skylanders | Sidekicks | Tech Element | Trigger Snappy